On February 11, 2021 the General Board of The Latin America and Caribbean Parliament (PARLATINO) approved, unanimously, the Parlatino Model to Combat Illicit Trade and Transnational Organized Crime. Official link: https://parlatino.org/leyes-modOn elo-aprobadas-por-el-parlatino/.
This Model Law is inspired in the main international and domestic regulations such as the UN Anticorruption Convention; the UNODC Against Transnational Organized Crime and the Protocols; the WTO Ecommerce principles; the WCO Cross-Border E-Commerce, Framework of Standards; the FCTC Protocol; among many others.
The Model Law consolidates in its 34 articles key definitions and principles about combating illicit trade and transnational organized crime, including: i. the main administrative and criminal violations, including counterfeit and other IP crimes; ii. the transparency principles in the value chain, including the ecommerce; and iii. the promotion of the international cooperation, the multi-disciplinary work among the law enforcement agencies, and the importance of the public-private partnerships in the combat against the illicit trade and the transnational crime.
For Moran IP, it has been an honor to work with CRIME STOPPERS PANAMA and an outstanding Think Tank team in the process of reviewing of international regulations and different model laws implemented in Latin America and other jurisdictions, and officially presenting this Model Law before Latin America and The Caribbean Senators.